Hackathon Overview
East Sweden Hack is a time limited competition aiming at creating new solutions for the modern society by combining open data and internet of things. It is an open innovative platform gathering companies, academia, society, talents and the actors of the innovation system. The 2017 theme of the competition is “City of the Future”, and the competition will take place in Vallastaden, a completely new city district in Linköping, being formally inaugurated during the month of September by a societal and living expo taking place.
Addressing societal challenges
When competing, your idea/solution, should address one or more of the societal challenges;
- Energy and sustainability
- Future health care
- Social construction and transportation
- Integration and human interaction
To help us identify relevant challenges, we’ve worked closely together with the clusters of East Sweden, since they have an up to date knowledge about both challenges and already existing solutions on the market. Together with the clusters, the data owners and the actors of the innovation system, we’ve created 8 challenges through a design thinking workshop. These has been uploaded to the digital platform “Idea Hunt”, and teams or individuals can apply to solve one of these challenges – or apply with one of their own. In the “Idea Hunt” system anyone is welcome to upload their idea in order to get feed-back and further develop the idea before the actual hackathon (it is not mandatory to work with one of these ideas, all teams are welcome to work on their own ideas, as long as you use the available open data and connect it to IoT in any way).
You can apply as a team or as an individual. You can apply with a solutions addressing one of the challenges we applied in Idea Hunt – or with an idea of your own, as long as it addresses one of the challenges above.
East Sweden Hack
East Sweden Hack
Fast facts
When: September 8nd - 10th
Where: Vallastaden Linköping, Sweden
How: Gather a team of four, come up with your own idea or apply to one of our challenges. Read more under "Registration".