Smart City Conference 8th september
Vallastaden Expo, Linköping, East Sweden
The future is shaped by some of our mega trends like urbanization, digitalization and internationalization. The world grows as to the increasing number of people, and at the same time it gets smaller when everything gets connected. There are challenges to address and benefits to embrace. The increasing population are to share a limited amount of resources, which implies we have to be smarter when designing new solutions when it comes to housing, transports, healthcare, energy solutions or social interaction and much more. As people have connected, their lives has changed. Now, that everything is connected – our world will change.
East Sweden Hack is a time limited competition aiming at creating new solutions for the modern society by combining open data and internet of things. It is an open innovative platform gathering companies, academia, society, talents and the actors of the innovation system. The 2017 theme of the competition is “City of the Future”, and the competition will take place in Vallastaden, a completely new city district in Linköping, being formally inaugurated during the month of September by a societal and living expo taking place.
The hack weekend starts off with a half day conference on the topic of “City of the future”. During the afternoon, we will hear a few keynotes reflecting on how to build the city of the future by co-creation between academia, business, society – and citizens. We will also get the chance to hear IoT related startups pitch their solutions for the modern society. This is a weekend you do not want to miss, and an afternoon to gather inspiration to take on future challenges.
14.00-14.40: Magnus Melander, Key Note Speaker, City of the future
Magnus Melander is a Swedish entrepreneur and ICT professional with over 30 years of international experience, and will be the one to open up the Smart City Conference with his thoughts on the cities of the future.
14.45-15.00 Startup Pitches
- Ochno, Olof Ermis, Västerås
- Modio, Mathias Ericsson, Linköping
15.00-15.30 Vallastaden – an innovative city district, Simon Helmer, Vallastaden Living Expo
15.30-15.45 Startup Pitches
- Chargestorm, Patrik Lindgren, Norrköping
- Save-By-Solar, Uppsala
- SIOS, Erik Söderby, Linköping
Time for a Swedish fika
16.00-16.30 Mobility as a service, Shaohua Tang, South China University of Technology
16.30-16.45 Startup Pitches
- Indentive, Magnus Broeders, Linköping
- Gaia Places, Cecilia Sandqvist, Norrköping
The afternoon will be moderated by Lena Miranda, CEO Science Park Mjärdevi.
Register here for the conference